Monday, April 24, 2006

For the next couple of months

Ok, so we are done with the scheduled topics for awhile. For the next couple of months we will be working on improving our own writing by actually writing, what a novel idea :) Anyways, the next meetings will be on May 1st, May 15th, skip Memorial Day weekend, June 12th, June 26th, July 10th, July 24th, Aug 7th, and Aug 21st. Then we will talk about where we want to go from there.
At the meetings we will still have time for people to work on their own stuff after the critique. At the first meeting of critiquing (or sharing if you don't like the idea of critiquing) I will hand out an outline on how critiquing should be done in our group. This will hopefully give people a sense of what we are looking for and what we are not looking for in responses to our writing. If you are going to bring a piece of prose please limit the number of pages that you are bring in to 5 for now. If we find that that amount is not enough we can talk about upping the amount to 10 pages. When you bring in something to be critiqued please bring 8 copies. We have been averaging 7-8 people a meeting. If there are more people we can always make copies at the library.
I'm hoping now that we are moving into this phase we will use this place (this blog) to bounce ideas on pieces we are working on.
Good luck on all your writing.


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